As I look around the center, I recall the words Jesus said to his disciples, “In my Father’s house, there are many dwelling places… I am going to prepare a place for you.”
It occurred to me that preparing a place ‘for you’ has been our unwritten mission. This especially came to light during the pandemic when our retreats slowed down. We in turn ramped up our efforts to prepare some new places. I call them our ‘pandemic projects’. Using volunteers, donations, and DIY expertise from my staff and me, we’ve transformed some neglected areas into little ‘Corona’ jewels. We also made a nice pivot into other areas – offering spiritual direction, expanding private retreats, and creating unique workshops and events.
I thought I would highlight some of the new places we’ve prepared for you in this newsletter. I hope you’ll take some time to get away, recharge your spirit, and spend some quiet moments in the “Father’s house”, whether that be at the center or elsewhere. In the end, Jesus prepared these places not to isolate us, but to bring us closer to him and fulfill his promise, “so that where I am you also may be.”
May you find that special place of renewal and grace that Jesus has prepared for you.
Your servant in Christ, Scott D. Gilfillan, Deacon Director, Catholic Conference Center
With a great many volunteers and generous donations, we’ve restored a classic 100-year-old farmhouse into a delightful retreat house. WIthin an easy walk to the chapel or one of our trailheads. It’s a great place to get away and renew your mind, body, spirit and soul.
We’ve converted an old shed into a little pavillion with picnic tables for about 60. Right behind our Saint Francis Retreat house which has bathrooms and kitchen facilities.
We’ve created a neat little private room off of our dining room. Some groups use it for a conference room, others for a private dining area or a ‘power lunch’. Seats 10.
Many people have come to the center seeking spiritual guidance, companionship, or spiritual direction. We’re assembling a list of experienced spiritual directors to help you reflect on your prayer life and nurture your relationship with God.
Spend a day away reflecting upon the four verbs Jesus used during the Last Supper: take, bless, break, and give. Consider how you too are taken, blessed, broken, and given. One-night retreat, June 17-18.
Post Note: We’re currently taking reservations in 2023. If you’re planning a group retreat, or interested in any of the above, please send us an inquiry now so we can find a special place for you.