Grow in the Virtues
that lead you to God
Wednesdays from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM beginning April 27
Come to any or all sessions
Did you know that if you practice just one virtue, the others will follow? Saint Catherine of Sienna says it this way: “The soul disposing herself [to one virtue] rather than to other virtues, draws to herself all the other virtues, which are all bound together in the affection of love.” (Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Sienna, 1370/1907 by Kegan Paul, p. 22).
Come to this Learn & Learn and master that one virtue that will help lead you to God. Plus answer some of these questions: What is a virtue? How can they help? What virtues go with what vices? Which virtue do I need to practice?
Presentation topics
The sessions will be broken up into the following topics. Each will ‘stand-alone’ so feel free to come to one or to all (just let us know so we can prepare the right number of lunches):
- Virtues and vices
- Feeling good about being good
- Being mindful
- Be good, by God!
- The vices – love gone wrong
“Lunch & Learn” general schedule
Each Lunch & Learn will follow a similar format:
- 11:00 AM Holy Hour of Adoration and Benediction (optional)
- 12:00 PM Light Lunch
- 12:30 PM Presentation and discussion
- 1:30 PM Final Blessing
Companion text

For those who want to take a deeper dive, there will be an occasional reference to a companion book, “The Virtues. A Very Short Introduction.” Published by Oxford University Press, the book touches upon “the philosophy of Aristotle and Confucius, to Thomas Aquinas’Summa Theologiae… This Very Short Introduction introduces readers to the various virtues: the moral virtues, the intellectual virtues, and the theological virtues, as well as the capital vices. It explores the role of the virtues in the moral life, their cultivation, and how they offer ways of thinking and acting that are alternatives to mere rule-following. It also considers the relationship of the virtues to our own emotions, desires, and rational capacities” (Amazon.com: The Virtues: A Very Short Introduction.)
Registration and Pricing
PRICING: Free. Donations appreciated. Cost of book is $12.
Please register so we know how many lunches to prepare.
About the “Lunch & Learn” Series
Adult learning is best accomplished when people are allowed to share. The format invites this type of discussion but also includes a brief presentation by Deacon Scott Gilfillan on the material in the book and other materials on the topic. Throughout which all are invited to share their own observations.
Any questions, contact Deacon Scott Gilfillan at sdgilfillan@catholicconference.org, or call 828.328.7441.
About the presenter

The sessions and discussions will be led by Deacon Scott D. Gilfillan. Ordained as a Catholic deacon in 2001, he has a wide range of experience facilitating groups and leading retreats for parishes, RCIA programs, and deacon candidates. For many years, he was the director of the deacon formation for the diocese of Charlotte, assisting and guiding deacon candidates and their wives in discernment and formation. Most recently he has become the director of the Catholic conference and retreat center in Hickory.