Praying with Art and Icons

The workshop is being rescheduled to a future date. If interested, please contact us or regularly visit our website.

Start the New Year with a resolution to enhance your spiritual life. Come to this one day workshop to learn how to pray with art and iconography, and experience the beauty of this ancient practice. This might be just the workshop for you, especially if your prayer life has grown stale or unproductive, and you’re looking for something new and fruitful to begin the New Year.

The presenter and facilitator is Dr. Alden Sproull, who has a wealth of experience in healing ministry and spiritual direction. It’s a Saturday that could change the trajectory of your life!

Here is how Alden describes the day:

The workshop is intended to lead the participants through a journey with art and creativity to feed the following:
• A Way of Growth
• A Way of Balance
• A Way of Self-Discovery
• A Way of Devotion

The morning experience will be preparation for the visual encounter. The afternoon experience will be using our eyes and heart toward discovery.

Foundational experience will undergird the day’s work.  You will be about noticing what most effectively prepares your heart to gaze.

About the Presenter: Alden Sproull

Alden, founder of Simply Soul Stirrings, has a rich and diverse background in ministry, leading retreats, and offering spiritual direction across the United States. Primarily involved in leading retreats for caregivers and health care workers, he uses a number of techniques like poetry and iconography to foster inner healing and spiritual growth. His latest collection of poems, “Walking Along the Edge” to be released this Fall on Amazon.


The cost of the workshop is $35. This includes all workshop fees, a full-course lunch, access to our beautiful grounds and reflection areas. If you would like to extend your stay, we have a special on our lodging for $85 for one night for any of our workshop participants.

Registration for the Praying with Art and Iconography

Questions? Email or call 828.327.7441. We’d be glad to help.

Thank-you for supporting our mission of evangelization and renewal!