Discover the Ancient Practice of Lectio Divina
Saturday, January 23, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
How do we find peace in the noisy and chaotic world in which we live? Lectio Divina offers a beautiful way to unwrap the gifts God offers us in Scripture and restore balance in our lives. It is a divine roadmap to peace and a deeper relationship with the One who loves us unconditionally.

What is Lectio Divina? The words mean Divine Reading and the prayer practice is described as a four step dance with the Lord. In this dance we read, reflect, respond and rest in the presence of the Holy Spirit. We listen with the ear of our hearts for the meaning of the words and for what God wants us to learn.
Pope Benedict XVI says “silence is the environmental condition that most favors contemplation, listening to God and meditation”.
Join us as we explore the depth and mystery of Scripture together and recognize the voice of God in the “still small breeze” as Elijah did on Mt. Horeb (Sinai) 1Kings 19:11
This is the perfect workshop for anyone who is experiencing dryness in their spiritual life or anyone who is desiring to deepen his or her relationship with the Lord.
About the Presenter: Judy O’Toole

Judy O’Toole is a practitioner and presenter of contemplative practices for almost 30 years. She has offered presentations on Lectio Divina in parishes, at retreats and in small group settings. For the past ten years, as a member of St. Gabriel Catholic Church in Charlotte, she facilitates a weekly Lectio Divina group session and silent contemplative prayer.
She is married to Deacon Larry O’Toole and they have three children and five grandchildren. In Judy’s words, “Life is good and we are blessed!”
The cost of the workshop is $35. This includes all workshop fees, a full-course lunch, access to our beautiful grounds and reflection areas. If you would like to extend your stay, we have a special on our lodging for $85 for one night for any of our workshop participants.
Registration for the Lectio Divina Workshop
Questions? Email or call 828.327.7441. We’d be glad to help.
Thank-you for supporting our mission of evangelization and renewal!