How to Live a Devout Life
(in a Crazy World)
April 26-28, 2024
A retreat into the practical lessons of Saint Francis De Sales
Learn the timely lessons of Saint Francis De Sales on living a devout life even amidst the craziness of today’s challenges. With a modern twist to the spiritual classic, “Introduction to the Devout Life”, Deacon Matt Newsome, a published author and devotee of Saint Francis De Sales, will show you how living a devout life is not just for a few, but for all. Let Saint Francis De Sales show you the way.
“What we need is a cup of understanding, a barrel of love, and an ocean of patience”
St. Francis De Sales

Timely Messages
1st conference: Devotion is for everyone (you can do it!)

We often think of devotion as something for those who “have the time,” and allow the circumstances of our day-to-day life to serve as excuses from doing what we can do to grow closer to God. But the saints tell us that devotion is for everyone, no matter your state in life! So how do we figure out what devotion looks like in our particular situation? One way is to explore some of the meditations of St Francis De Sales and see how easily they blend with any lifestyle.
2nd conference: Practical Prayer

There is no way around it: prayer is essential to establishing a good relationship with God. Some say, “For me to increase the time I spend in prayer, something has to go!” Saint Francis de Sales says otherwise. Learn how to make prayer more than a “slot in your schedule” but the salt that flavors all your activities throughout the day. Learn some practical tips for establishing a solid prayer routine that you can stick with.
3rd conference: Why Virtue Matters

The word “virtue” may sound stuffy and old-fashioned, but it’s of vital importance to living a Christian life. How does growing in virtue help us to become more like Christ? Saint Francis de Sales said it is sometimes best to start with just one. “It is well for everybody to select some special virtue at which to aim, not as neglecting any others, but as an object and pursuit to the mind.” Learn how to select that one virtue you should chiefly practice, and let that guide you to “being well” in things great and small.
4th conference: The Power of the Sacraments

If holiness and devotion feel like too much for us, it’s because they are! But God doesn’t ask us to go it alone. He offers us all the help we need by offering us Himself in the sacraments. We will talk in our last conference about how to participate more intentionally and more fruitfully in the sacramental life of the Church.
A Retreat Schedule Just for You
(subject to change)
Friday, April 26 | |
2:00 PM | Arrive, explore the grounds, visit the chapel |
5:30 PM | Evening Prayer |
6:00 PM | Drop-in Reception – Lounge |
6:30 PM | Dinner |
7:30 PM | 1st Conference: Devotion is for Everyone (you can do it!) |
9:00 PM | Night Meditation – St. Francis de Sales |
Saturday, April 27 | |
7:00 AM | Morning Prayer and Adoration |
8:00 AM | Breakfast |
9:00 AM | 2nd Conference: Practical Prayer |
10:00 AM | Private reflection |
11:00 AM | Small Group Discussion (optional) |
12:00 PM | Lunch |
1:00 PM | 3rd Conference: Why Virtue Matters |
2:00 PM | Private reflection or confession |
3:00 PM | Small Group Discussion (optional) |
5:00 PM | Vigil Mass |
6:00 PM | Dinner |
7:00 PM | Open Forum – Q&A |
9:00 PM | Night Prayer |
Sunday, April 28 | |
7:00 AM | Morning Prayer and Adoration |
8:00 AM | Breakfast |
9:00 AM | 4th Conference: The Power of the Sacraments |
10:00 AM | Resolutions |
11:00 AM | Blessing and dismissal |
Exceptional Retreat Atmosphere
Indoor and outdoor reflection areas

In addition to the thoughtful meditations, there will be plenty of time to pray and reflect upon God’s plan for you. For those who prefer doing this in a sacred space, there is a beautiful chapel and several indoor and outdoor reflection places. For those who are more active, there are trails cut through our 180 acres. The more ambitious can take a short drive or a long hike to Baker Mountain Park. Added to the outdoor space are a horseshoe pit, a bonfire, and even some corn-hole boards.
Nicely appointed rooms and fine dining

The lodging rooms were fully renovated in 2015. Each room has two full-sized beds and a private bath. Our dining area has an exceptionally qualified full-time chef with a wide range of culinary expertise. The dining room has also been recently renovated and has a 100% sanitation rating. The meeting room has cathedral ceilings and spectacular views.
Grace-filled encounters

There will be several hours of Adoration for those who want to immerse themselves in the retreat. The chapel is open all night for those who want to have a more intimate encounter with the Lord. Some delight in the thought of sleeping under the same roof as the Blessed Sacrament, and many are known to make late-night visits to the chapel.
Meet your Retreat Master

The retreat master, Deacon Matthew Newsome, is a student of the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales, especially the common-sense spiritual direction offered in the Introduction to the Devout Life. His latest book is The Devout Life: A Modern Guide to Practical Holiness with St. Francis de Sales. He entered the Church through the RCIA twenty-two years ago and has since helped guide many along the same journey deploying some of the same practical spiritual wisdom. He serves as a campus minister at Western Carolina University and holds a Master of Theology degree from Holy Apostles College & Seminary. He writes a monthly column for the Catholic News Herald and blogs at He and his wife Joannie live in the mountains of NC with their seven children, a small flock of sheep, a smattering of chickens, and one ornery donkey.
The last time Deacon Matt was at the conference center, the retreatants rated his presentations “Excellent”. One commented, “Very rewarding!” Another said, “The experience was wonderful. Deacon Matt was great with his presentations. I’m so glad I came!”
We have filled up the lodging. If you would like to register as a commuter, or if you would like to be added to our waiting list, email
The registration for the retreat includes two night’s lodging, all retreat fees, and full-course meals from Friday through Sunday, The retreat price is as follows:
- Shared room (two persons per room): $275 per person.
- Single, one person per room: $355.
- Commuter (includes everything except lodging): $135 per person.
Lodging space is limited, so register early.
Cancellation Policy: A full refund will be granted up to two weeks before the retreat. We will need a minimum of 15 people to host this retreat. If we don’t reach the minimum, a refund will be granted to all who have registered.

Be at Peace Prayer
Do not look forward in fear to the changes and chances of this life;
Rather, look to them with full confidence that,
as they arise, God, to whom you belong
will in His love enable you to profit by them.
He has guided you thus far in life,
and He will lead you safely through all trials;
and when you cannot stand it,
God will bury you in His arms.
Do not fear what may happen tomorrow;
the same everlasting Father who cares for you today
will take care of you then and every day.
He will either shield you from suffering,
or will give you unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.
Saint Francis de Sales